Distance Learning

Thank you for choosing Wallace Community College’s online courses as a way of achieving your educational goals!

Online courses make use of vast technological developments.  It allows instructors to prepare and present material in such a way that students may access instruction, study, complete assignments, and quizzes around their schedules.  Utilized responsibly and consistently, the student’s mastery of online course material is equivalent to a traditional course.

*Internet or Online courses require proctored assessments. Students may choose to test on-campus or test remotely using Honorlock (computer, webcam, and stable internet is required). The number of proctored assessments vary by course.

The staff in the Information Technology Services (Help Desk) and the Distance Learning Department (dl@6room.net) are available to assist you with any problems you may encounter.

SARA logo

Wallace Community College – Dothan participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.

Online students are expected to become thoroughly familiar with the policies and procedures in the Wallace Community College Catalog/Student Handbook. A copy of the catalog may be obtained online at  Wallace Community College Catalog/Student Handbook.

In accordance with the U.S. Department of Education’s regulation (34 C.F.R. § 600.9) Wallace Community College is also authorized to provide distance education to residents residing outside of the state of Alabama through participation in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) Renewal Authorization.