Student IDs - Wallace Community College-全球网赌十大网站

Student IDs

The College requires ALL students to possess a photo student identification (ID) to aid in the security of the campuses.  Students can obtain a digital or standard ID as the official means of identification at Wallace Community College; however, students attending courses that physically meet on any of the College campuses must obtain a standard photo ID each academic year.

  • Student IDs may be obtained in the libraries on the Wallace and Sparks Campuses. 

Students are required to have IDs in their possessions while on campus. Individuals without proper identification will be asked what business they have on campus. If the answer is satisfactory (i.e., potential applicant filing for admission or financial aid, visitors on campus tour), individuals will be allowed to continue with their business and immediately leave campus upon completing that business. If individuals claim to be students, the College officials will ask for their student ID. If none can be provided, the individuals will be asked to leave the campus until they can return with a valid Wallace Community College student ID. The College Police will escort individuals off campus if they fail to produce the proper ID.

Students are required to obtain either a digital ID or ID card by the second week of class for attendance verification, as faculty members will not allow a student to attend class without a proper ID.

New online students will receive a digital ID email invitation at the beginning of  each semester.  If you are a returning online student, you will continue to use your originally issued digital ID.

A smart phone is required for the digital ID.  If you do not possess a smart, please contact: Ms. Daymesha Reed – 334.983.3521 ext. 2477

Please follow the link for more information on our student ID policy.