We are delighted you have chosen our program to get a jump-start on your college education. Please proceed with the application process as listed below. If you have any questions or concerns at any time throughout this process, please contact our office at (334) 556-2423 or dualenrollment@6room.net.
Students are encouraged to contact their high school counselor to discuss and begin the process and learn your high school’s deadlines!
Are you a New Student?
If you have never taken dual enrollment, or, if you took dual courses in the fall term but not spring, you are considered a new student for the fall term. Please follow the new student instructions.
If you withdrew from classes or earned a “D” or lower in any term, you will need to follow the instructions for a new student to participate again after a term of ineligibility.
New Dual Enrollment Students
This requires a NEW login and password. This is not connected to the WCC application.
- Use your official name (not nicknames) when creating your account.
- Use your own personal email, not your school email or your parent’s email, because you’ll receive several emails during this process.
- Check your email regularly for updates.
Check your personal email for your acceptance letter. This letter will provide your Wallace Community College student number (“A Number”) and your college email address.
We encourage you to set up your student email account promptly and check it regularly. Important updates and communications from the college will be sent to this email throughout the semester!
- If at WCC site: register online through myWCC Experience online when registration dates open. Log in with Alabama.edu email and password.
- If your school requires you to register at a specific site: work with your counselor on publicized date/times.
- Students will only be permitted to register for the specific approved class(es) listed on the Statement of Eligibility Form submitted during the application process. If a change must be made to these course selections, it must be initiated with the high school counselor FIRST for a revision.
Need help registering? Check out our Dual Enrollment FAQ’s!
Welcome to the Wallace Family… Go Govs!
Are you a Returning Dual Enrollment Student?
If you took courses in the spring term, you are a returning student for the fall term. Even if you did not take classes in the summer term. Follow the returning student instructions.
Returning Dual Enrollment Students
- If at WCC site: register online through myWCC Experience online when registration dates open. Log in with Alabama.edu email and password.
- If your school requires you to register at a specific site: work with your counselor on publicized date/times.
- Students will only be permitted to register for the specific approved class(es) listed on the Statement of Eligibility Form submitted during the application process. If a change must be made to these course selections, it must be initiated with the high school counselor FIRST for a revision.
Need help registering? Check out our Dual Enrollment FAQ’s!
Welcome to the Wallace Family… Go Govs!
Please note that the Academic and Career Technical Education (CTE) GPA are both a 2.5 minimum.
If any items are missing from the process, your admissions to the College will be delayed. The Statement of Eligibility Form requires school counselor’s and student’s signature (parent’s signature optional but not for all participating schools); the counselor can help complete this form. The high school counselor will denote the course(es) that a student is eligible to take at Wallace College/Sparks while dual enrolled. The counselor will then give the completed application to the Wallace Community College dual enrollment coordinator to process the application and get the student ready for registration.